Tagore is one of the greatest poets of modern India (Convert into comparative degree)

(A) Tagore is greater than any other poets of modern India
(B) Tagore is greater than many other poets of modern India
(C) Tagore is greater than many other poet of modern India
(D) Tagore is greater than any other poet of modern India
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (B) Tagore is greater than many other poets of modern India

Every adult has the right to marry .................? (Add proper tag question.)

(A) hasn't they
(B) doesn't they
(C) haven't they
(D) don't they
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (C) haven't they

If you .........., I would have trained you
(A) wanted
(B) wants
(C) will want
(D) had wanted
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (D) had wanted

I met him ...........my uncle's home.

(A) at
(B) in
(C) to
(D) of
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (A) at

Have you read `Othello'? The teacher asked me (Change into reported speech) :

(A) The teacher asked me whether I read 'Othello'
(B) The teacher asked whether I would read 'Othello'
(C) The teacher asked that I read 'Othello'
(D) The teacher asked me whether I had read 'Othello'
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (D) The teacher asked me whether I had read 'Othello'

He will certainly help the poor boy (Change into passive voice) :

(A) The poor boy will helped by him
(B) The poor boy will be helped by him
(C) The poor boy will have helped by him
(D) The poor boy would be helped by him
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (B) The poor boy will be helped by him

Of the two (a) /pens, the red (b) /one is (c) /the best.(d)

(A) (a)
(B) (c)
(C) (b)
(D) (d)
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (D) (d)

Pick out the correctly spelt word :

(A) anaesthesia
(B) anasthesia
(C) anesthesia
(D) anasthasia
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (A) anaesthesia

The idiom 'Swan song' means :

(A) A musical performance
(B) The last public performance of an artist or athlete
(C) Song of a swan
(D) First public performance of an artist or athlete
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (B) The last public performance of an artist or athlete

Synonym of 'dismal'
(A) Cheerful
(B) Happy
(C) Gloomy
(D) Thoughtful
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (C) Gloomy

Pick out the one word for - a secret arrangement :

(A) Collision
(B) Coagulation
(C) Collusion
(D) Coalition
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (C) Collusion

As you are already here and you can surely do the work
(Convert into a simple sentence)

(A) You are already here and you can surely do the work
(B) Being here already, you can surely do the work
(C) You are already here so that you can surely do the work
(D) You can surely do the work as you are already here
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (B) Being here already, you can surely do the work

The word `exparte'. means

(A) Belonging to all
(B) One Sided
(C) Many sided
(D) None of these
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (B) One Sided

Antonym of the word, 'Idiocy

(A) Foolishness
(B) Stupidity
(C) Sagacity
(D) Quixotry
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (C) Sagacity

................ of flowers. Pick out the right collective noun.

(A) garland
(B) swarms
(C) herd
(D) cluster
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (A) garland

The opposition party ................. a strike.

(A) call on
(B) call at
(C) call for
(D) call off
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (C) call for

He belongs to a ............. family.

(A) gentle
(B) genteel
(C) gentile
(D) gentil
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (B) genteel

Would you mind ........... of the fan?

(A) switch
(B) switches
(C) switched
(D) switching
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (D) switching

The feminine gender of 'lad'

(A) lady
(B) lass
(C) laid
(D) lier
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (B) lass

If you went there, you :

(A) could see it
(B) can see it
(C) could have seen
(D) could have see it
LD Clerk (Various) 2017 (KLM,TCR,KSD)

Answer : Option (A) could see it