Following are the questions and answers to the Staff Nurse Grade II in Health Service Department examination conducted by Kerala Public Service Commission on 23.04.2015. We expect this will help the candidates who are preparing Staff Nurse and and other examinations. The purpose of this section is just to support the candidates who prepare for Kerala PSC and other competitive exams. You can always refer this website from your mobile phone on the go or from your home PC.

Staff Nurse Grade II in Health Service Department
Exam held on 23.04.2015 | Questions: 81-100

81] The thermoregulatory centre is located at
[a] Pituitary
[b] Pons
[c] Medulla
[d] Hypothalamus

82] Electra complex is
[a]  A male child’s unconscious desire to possess mother by eliminating father
[b]  A female child’s unconscious desire to possess mother by eliminating father
[c] A female child’s unconscious desire to possess father by eliminating mother
[d] A male child’s unconscious desire to possess father by eliminating mother

83] The technique of physical examination which uses the sense of touch
[a] Auscultation
[b] Percussion
[c] Palpation
[d] Inspection

84] An obstetric emergency
[a] HELLP syndrome
[b] Gilbert syndrome
[c] Down syndrome
[d] Conn syndrome

85] WHO recently declared India to be free of which communicable disease
[a] Chicken pox
[b] Tetanus
[c] Measles
[d] Polio myelitis

86] The type of mosquito transmitting Japanese Encephalitis
[a] Aedes
[b] Culex
[c] Anopheles
[d]  Mansonia

87] A learner centered method of teaching learning process
[a] Demonstration
[b] Lecture
[c] Bedside clinic
[d]  Project

88]  Among the functions of management, the function which deals with measurement and correction of performance of persons against standard is
[a] Organising
[b] Controlling
[c] Directing
[d] Co-ordinating

89] The mode of human to human transmission of Ebola Virus Disease
[a] Airborne
[b] Waterborne
[c] Vectorborne
[d] Direct contact

90] The mental mechanism where there is finding of a logical reason for the things one wants to do
[a] Rationalisation
[b] Introjection
[c] Projection
[d] Transference

91] The earliest manifestation of hepatic encephalopathy
[a] Flapping tremor
[b] Fetor hepaticus
[c] Spider angioma
[d] Confusion

92] The Govt. of India recommended dosage of elemental iron during pregnancy
[a] 50 mg/day
[b] 100 mg/day
[c] 150 mg/day
[d] 200 mg/day

93] The highest level of learning
[a] Concept Learning
[b] Chaining
[c] Problem Solving
[d] Verbal Association

94] The Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rule came in to enforcement in India in
[a] 1965
[b] 1980
[c] 1998
[d] 2010

95] A teaching method employed to develop proficiency in a particular teaching skill
[a] Micro Teaching
[b] Role Playing
[c] Demonstration
[d] Simulation

96] The most frequently occurring value among a given set of data
[a] Mean
[b] Mode
[c] Median
[d] Range

97] The type of personality where the person has alternating periods of elation and depression
[a] Hypomaniac
[b] Melancholic
[c] Melancholic
[d]  Cyclothymic

98] The antidote for magnesium sulphate in eclampsia
[a] Calcium Gluconate
[b] Sodium Chloride
[c] Calcium Carbonate
[d] Sodium Bicarbonate

99] Intermittent claudication is the typical feature of
[a] Coronary Artery Disease
[b] Peripheral Vascular Disease
[c] Interstitial Lung Disease
[d]  Renal Parenchymal Disease

100] In the internationally accepted four colour code system of Triage, red colour indicates the type of patient who is
[a] Dead
[b] Medium Priority
[c] High Priority
[d] Ambulatory

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